I Help Women Become Their True and Authentic Selves, by Becoming Who and Who's They Are from the Inside Out

Helping Women Become Their True and Authentic Selves, by Becoming Who and Who's They Are from the Inside Out

Understanding the underlying principles of life is critical to living your best life. They vary for each individual, but for me they are: Faith, Family, Fashion, and Femininity.

These areas have sculpted my very being. They have made me the woman, wife, mother, and friend who leans on her faith, loves on her family, shops with purpose, and empowers others to be their true and authentic selves.

Welcome to the Bee KeepHer's Movement!

Helping Women Become Their True and Authentic Selves, by Becoming Who and Who's They Are from the Inside Out

Thank you for coming to my small corner of the world. I'm looking forward to the time you'll spend here!

Hi, my name is Britta, and I am the wife of 26 years to the dopest husband this side of heaven, a mother of one son and 3 grandsons, and a caregiver to individuals who bring my life full circle.

I'm also a curvy cutie being obedient to my purpose and passion: Inspiring others to be their true and authentic selves from the inside out!!!

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You...

This is just the tip of the spear!! This is where I share my life and my passions, and all of my newest and favorite things. Get the Behind-the-Scenes snapshots of my life..

• IT'S • A • NEW • DAY •




Hey Hey!!


Glad You're Here!!!